Friday, March 14, 2008

Memorable Experience

WOW! What a ride! I've been moved to tears, angered by thought provoking prompts, inspired by intelligence and wisdom of acquaintances I now consider friends and mentors. The years of experience in this room and the knowledge I take from those in attendance empowers me and for that I thank YOU, all those who participated in the Literacy Academy. I have learned sooo much and feel I'm a better teacher for having attended. My students look forward to the ideas I return to class with after my professional development days in Rolla . They have enjoyed and grown from the lessons I have pulled from my giant black binder. Ultimately, the success of the Literacy Academy is shown through the growth of my students.


Katrina said...

This is the first time I have ever cried at professional development.This experience wouldn't have been the same if we hadn't done it together. I am looking forward to the Writing Project and then going on to take over the world.

Marj's Blog said...

Thank you for your transparancy. Happy trails to you.

Unknown said...

Moved to tears ... by a professional development experience ... but in a good way. There have been several PD days which have left me frustrated for being such a waste of my time. But not the literacy academy, not the writing project. I've enjoyed the ride with all of you. Your students are lucky to have such enthusiastic teachers as yourselves.